Our Day at Mercy Center with Etensh and Zeruable
We woke up early and packed all the donations in bags. Matt had the idea to bring all of the gifts of zip locks with clothes and food with us to Mission of Mercy. We eat at the guest house with all the families we are growing to be such good friends with and then waited for Mission of Mercy to come and pick us up for the day.
It is so important for us to take our little Hadassah on this special outing because we want her to always know from her infancy she has cared about her people and the plight of the children here.
We were picked up by the Children’s Director and kind women named Lyode and a driver. As we drove to the Mercy Center she told us that Etensh and Zeruable were very excited to see us and waiting with joy for us to come. She said that she was very curious about how my parents picked to sponsor Zeruable. She said he is a very special case for them and they all felt for him to be sponsored by my parents and the opportunity to meet us was an answer to their prayers. She said that they have 600 children waiting for sponsors. Loyde said that Zeruable’s father had come to know Jesus through the project and was so passionate about Jesus and a totally transformed man. She said knowing Jesus has completely changed this man. His wife and had come to the project for Bible study and had such faith for her family and prayed over and over Zeruable would be sponsored to go to the children’s program and that her husband would come to know the hope of Jesus that had changed her life. He came with her one time heard the gospel and received Jesus into his life and was totally transformed. He is so passionate about the gospel and children. He is now working at Mercy Center as a pastor being trained by the senior pastor. Loyde told us this wonderful man is now raising his 3 children alone because his wife had to leave the country to work as a maid in Lebanon. She said times are very hard in Ethiopia with 70 PERCENT UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. Zeruable’s father has prayed fervently for his son to be sponsored and is praising God he was sponsored and will have the rare opportunity to welcome his sponsor’s family into their home.
As we arrived at the Mercy Center we were so full on anticipation. It is a large old factory at the bottom of a very bumpy road. When we pulled in Matt said” there is Etenesh.” She is so beautiful and has such a clam and gentle way. She came right to us and hugged and kissed us. She reached out to hold Hadassah and kissed her. She was so happy it was neat to see her pride to walk through the children outside saying something in Amharic with a smile. Zeruable and his father greeted us with such love and kindness. Zeruable reached up to hold my hand and smiled at me. He is just precious.
Lyode gave us a tour of Mercy Center telling us about their work. Etensh carried Zafua the whole time and Zerable and his father stayed right at our side throughout our time at Mercy Center. They have 1900 children in their program and 600 waiting for sponsors. When a child joins it helps the whole family through a holistic approach. The child will receive school uniforms, school supplies, be able to attend an after school Bible program, and a Saturday children’s program. The mothers of the children that desire can attend a sewing school, and if they can not find other employment they have the option to be hired by mercy center to make school uniforms for the children. They also have a program to teach the women to cook so they can find work cooking at restaurants.
As we walked into the main large room of the Mercy center we heard children praying. There were 350 children very tightly seated together with their heads bowed praying out loud. It is now summer break for the children so they hold a summer children’s program where they learn about the Lord, play games, hear stories, and watch a special movie sometimes. We are just totally in awe to see 350 children watching Shriek on a very small TV. They were distracted to see us and waving and smiling at us. This was the morning group. They will host 2 other groups of children in the afternoon. Lyode explained the summer program is so important because these children live in such poverty and they live in small houses with no space to play so they go to the streets and there they get in trouble. The kids are all so excited to come and have a place to play.
We first saw the sewing room. The women are working on very old machines and drawing their own patterns. We then saw a large room with a kitchen and women cooking.
We then went into a large room with many desks. This room was the offices of the counselors for the children. Loyde told us each of these people care like pastors to the children. They pray with them, listen to them and understand their family situations and help the family as much as they can. She said this is a very precious part of their ministry. We saw all the letters the children sit and write to their sponsors. The young man who translates then was so kind and humble. What a big job.
We brought 90 packages of Nature Valley granola bars for the children. We also had about 30 fruit leather. We were explaining to Lyode we did not have enough for all the children. She said that was no problem that they could just share the treat. We wished we had enough for everyone but there was nothing to do but open the granola bars and divide them up. The staff opened them up and broke the 2 bars in half and then told us as we pass them out to ask the kids to break them one more time. I asked to talk to the children first. I told them that Jesus loved them and as they pray and cry out to God, He will hear their prayers. I told them about Jeremiah 29:11 that God has a future and a hope for them. They were all so eager and have such bright eyes and beautiful smiles. As I looked out into the sea of children I was so moved wanting to see all of them have their needs meet and not worry about having enough food and living in such hard conditions. I know they are so precious to the heart of God!
Matthew and I then passed out trays full of broken granola bars. We would show them to share and they would nod yes. Some would say “thank you,” God bless you,” and “I love you.” Oh I wanted to give them each their own package but they gladly shared having only ¼ of bar. I was humbled once again. What amazing children.
Upstairs at the Mercy Center there is a church where mothers were just gathering for worship and teaching. Many had babies tied to there backs with there shawls.
We then went back to the sewing room to buy some of the goods they make. We were able to talk to the women and encourage them. One woman told us how happy she was that our little girl would have a bright future and a hope in Jesus. She was so thankful we had come to get a child with no mother in Ethiopia. She wanted to pray for Zafua and for our family. As she prayed with such passion she cried. I went to her and put my arms around her and we embraced and both cried. This mother has watched her own children struggle with hunger and not proper shelter. She had a reality of what Zafua’s life would have been in Ethiopia with out a mother. My heart is so moved and humbled by the hearts of God’s people. I then prayed over all the women in the room and they all echoed each translated phrase with a loud “AMEN.”
We bought some special things from them for Hadassah when she grows up. It was so neat to buy there hand made goods, but we did not buy as much as we wanted because we wanted to save the rest of the money for blessing the families we would go visit.
We then had tea and flat bread with the director of the project Getuech, Etensh, and Zeruable. Getuech is a kind and loving man. He has such a great heart for children and the work of God. Matt talked with him about the possibility of getting Etensh and her family a well. They do not have running water. They get there water from a neighbor. It sounded like the best possible thing to do was get them a water line to there house.
We then left the project with Etensh to go to her house. She again was holding Zafua and so happy to show her off. Her great aunt who looks like she is 80 years old came to the van so see us again. She had greeted us when we arrived but then gone upstairs for Bible Study. We all left in the van to go to Etenesh’s home. Getuech and Lyode both came with us. She lives in a slum. It was so poor. They walk every day to the Mercy Center which seemed a long way from their home. The conditions at her home are very hard. They live in a mud house with scrap metal on the outside. They have no roof and only a burlap tarp to protect them from the rain. We could not see how it was possible for 8 people to live the tiny little space. There was no way they could all lay down to sleep in that small of space. Etensh lives with her great aunt who came to the city from the country side 30 years ago at age 15. Her aunt that looks 80 is only 45! She said she was now very old, tired and to sick to work. She said she has had a very hard life looking for work. Her husband and she had several children and when he died the children had to quit school and work. Her daughter who is 22 also lives with her and her 2 year old little girl. Her son was there and we meet him. He is the only one supporting his family. Etenesh came to live with her aunt 5 years ago because her parents have “too many children to count” and they wanted her to have a future.
Our visit was so special. The hospitality of the family was so humbling. They were very excited and wanted to tell us about there family and lives. The aunt served us bread and pop. We gave Etenesh a Jansport back pack full of gifts. The first thing she pulled out of the back pack was a dress and shirt. She chattered so excitedly and disappeared she returned wearing the dress and flip flops. She threw her arms around me and then Matt and said with a huge beautiful smile “thank you-I love you!” She then went through the rest of the back pack with her aunt helping her pull stuff out. There were markers and notebooks, hair things, necklace, bracelet, treats, soap, wash clothes, tooth brushes and paste for the whole family, and shoes, another skirt and dress. She was so full of expression and excitement. We gave a small backpack with little toys and a jump rope to her little cousin who is 3. She was so happy. We then were so blessed to have the zip locks so everyone in the family was given a gift and they were all so thrilled. The aunt had put up pictures of Jesus all over the blue painted mud walls so we knew the picture of Jesus blessing the black child would mean so much to her. She told us that she has prayed for years to God to care for her family and in our sponsoring her Etenesh that she loves so much and coming to see her was God showing her he has not forgotten them. She told us how much this meant to her and she had been praying years for Ethenesh and she knew God had heard her prayers and hugged and thanked us for caring. She got out Eteneshs report card that was stored so carefully in a plastic bag. She told us that Etenesh had moved from 42nd to 11th in her class since we have sponsored her. Etenesh told us she dreams of being a doctor. We encouraged her in her dream. We asked Loyde about helping her accomplish this dream. We asked how much it would cost to send her to college in Ethiopia she told us it depended but on the school. It would be between $50-$150 per semester. We encouraged Etenesh to continue to study and pray to God asking Him for grace and help to accomplish her dream to help others through being a doctor. God willing we want to support Etensh until she fulfills her dream of being a doctor. Matt talked with Getuech about the water situation. There was really no way to get them a well. They do not own the land and there house is clustered with several other little shacks that are connected. They all share water that is in walking distance. What we saw as their greatest need was a roof. It is now the rainy season and there tarp leaks. We are in awe of how 8 people live in their tiny space. Matt arranged with Getuech to have a metal roof put on for them. When he translated to the family they were so excited and thankful. We then took some pictures. We were so blessed to pray for the family and they were very loving and responsive. They all love Jesus so much and they were so encouraging to us as well. Matt gave the aunt a large bag of almonds and we also had a nice night gown for her. She was very excited about everything. All the neighbors gathered around to watch all that was going on. It was perfect because we had shoes for the neighbors who had no shoes. We asked in Etenesh could come with us to Zeruable’s and then to our guest house to get the blanket for her and her family that we had forgot. As drove away we realized we forgot to give one thing to Etenesh’s aunt so we turned around and went back. Matt ran it into them. He said when he got inside they were all had mouthfuls of almonds and were chattering happily looking at everything. Matt gave them 1,000 bur which is about $100 US for food and anything they needed. They were so thankful. The average annual income in Ethiopia is $120 US.
Etenesh was so happy to go with us to Zeruable’s and wanted to hold the baby once again. Geetuech and Loyde thought we should stop and have lunch at a little local place. We graciously said “yes.” I was a little nervous because we had been so careful and only eat at the guest house and not yet been sick. They ordered a traditional Ethiopian dish with Injeria which is moist sour bread that is wrapped up and then used to pick up your food to eat it. The dish came all on one plate and we all eat with our hands. There were so many bones in it and unrecognizable things. We had a nice lunch talking. We were so blessed by these 2 precious people who serve the Lord so selflessly. They have passionate heart for children. Getuech insisted on holding Zafua through lunch. He loved her. They asked so many questions about her. They said where she is from there are many wild animals and they think it is a miracle they did not eat her. They said children are attacked and eaten by hyenas in that region. I felt sick hearing that. I know God’s hand has been on her and he has a beautiful destiny for our daughter. He has kept her as the apple of his eye.
After a long lunch finished off with some very strong Ethiopian coffee we went to Zerable’s home. It was also in a very poor area. They were waiting with huge smiles at the top of the road for us. There was no way to get to their house with the truck so we parked and walked. Zeruable held my hand. They live with a cluster of shacks built together also. They welcomed us to their little home with such love. We asked the father to share his life story and testimony with us and he was so happy to and did with such excitement and expression. He is so in love with Jesus ands knows God’s grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior has transformed his and his family’s lives. He said he had prayed to God over and over for his son to have a sponsor so he could go to school next year. He said he has no way to buy his son pencils or a school uniform. He wanted to know how God moved on my parent’s heart to support Zeruable of all the waiting children. We gave them a framed picture of my sweet mom and dad and they just studied it and smiled at them and then placed it in a special place. I told them my mom prayed to God to show her how to sponsor when she knew we were coming to meet Etenesh. She looked at all the children’s pictures and kept coming back to Zeruable. She loved his beautiful little face and that Zeruable was a builder. She felt that Zeruable was the child she was to sponsor. The father said “Amen” with every phrase translated to him. He was so thankful and told us God had heard his prayers and thanked God for my parents and wanted to pray a blessing for them and thanked God that they listened to God and were used to answer the cry of this Fathers heart. Wow! I see in a whole new way the power of sponsoring a child and how it blesses their life. It truly blesses a whole family. Since Zeruable is sponsored they are also getting food aid which is a great blessing to this family. We then gave the gifts we had. Little Zeruable was so excited he was shaking. He was so curious about everything and wanted to immediately try everything. He had a sister Hannah who we also had things for. The father explained they are now living with his sister and her 2 daughter who are 2 &3 because the government had knocked down his mud hut to build a road. He is hoping to buy a house for his family someday. We had little back packs for the 2 little girls with a jump rope, little toys and treats. They were thrilled. We were able to give the zip locks to Zeruables father and all the neighbors who had gathered around. It was so calm and everyone was so thankful. We saw this is what God had planned all along for those bags. If we had gotten our language we would have given it to the children in the south and not had enough for everyone and it would have caused problem. We were able to give them to very poor families who were watching this family be blessed but also received unexpected gifts. It was truly amazing to see Matt pull out the perfect size package for each person there. There was such a sweetness and gratitude. We were wishing our friends who helped with the zip locks could have been there to see the faces of joy who received them. He served us a biscuit type cookies and pop. We know this was a sacrifice for them and they wanted to bless us. We never drink pop but even Matty did 2 times in 1 day!!! We prayed for the family. Little Zeruable who had been excitedly playing with his new match box cars, markers, watch, and other little trinket toys stopped to pray. He laid his little six year old face on the bed in a kneeling position and prayed. Matt laid hands on the Father and he raised his hands to heaven. It was just a powerful time of loving God together. We left telling them we were looking forward to having the joy of worshiping our Lord together in heaven one day. They were all saying “Amen” to that! As we left about 50 little children were waiting for us. It was great timing because Matt had brought the fruit snacks a friend from my Bible study had sent with us. Every child got one. They were so eager and excited. It was such a blessing to give like this. We had tried on the street to give to the children and you just get mobbed and it is nearly impossible because there are so many people. We had a very special time and it was truly God’s blessings all day because every one at both homes were given something perfect for them and all that saw the families blessed also were given something. It was incredible to get in the car and see we had given everything and not one person had been turned away. Isn’t God so good! He planned our day and we were so thankful to him for those who blessed us so we could be blessed to be a blessing to his precious people.
We returned to our guest house with Etenesh. We got the blankets we had bought for Etenseh and Zeruable. Matt gave the Getuech the director of Mission of Mercy $200 US for the roof for Etenesh’s family. He promised to get it done for them as soon as possible. He was so happy to do it for them. Etenesh was sad to say good buy. She just clung to me and kissed my check over and over. She told us because of God, herself, and us, she was going to be studding very hard in school so she can one day be a doctor and that her heart was full of hope. I shared with her to use the journal I gave here to write down her prayers to God like letters and let him speak to her heart and fill her with His hope for her life. She was so responsive. It was really sad to tell her goodbye. We love her very much! It was so awesome to realize I was hugging and had spent the day with the precious child whose picture had hung on my fridge for so long. We praise God for bringing her into our lives! The directors were so loving and thankful for our coming to be with these families. Matt and I were amazed they had shared their whole day with us and are so thankful to them for their heart to serve their people and the Lord. What an amazing day. Abraham was right when he said we are blessed to be blessings. We feel so blessed to share in the lives of all the precious people we were with today. Our hearts say thanks God you are great!!!
Matt and I talked that night about how much God asks of us. To whom much is given much is required. We have been given so much! We saw first hand God’s heart for the poor and widow. We heard both families talk about their prayers and cries to God to show them he cared about them in their situation. We felt so convicted to be sensitive to the Lord that our hearts will be obedient to His leading because we never know when God wants to use us to answer another’s prayers. It worries us how many times we have let this world cloud our hearts and not been a part of God’s work in the earth. Matt and I could not sleep talking about our day. We are thankful for the dear ones that we were able to love and be loved by today. Thanks to all who shared so freely to make this day possible. We wish you had been here with us. We love you!